1 & 10 Cross Edge
Hole 1 & 10
Cross Edge
Cross Edge
Starting to the left of the car park & short of the club house, play proceeds in a westerly direction and not infrequently via the aforementioned car park or clubhouse. A good hook will cause little trouble to those on the first tee, players on the 9th fairway however should be alert for a strangled scream followed by a small missile. A good slice will greatly increase your knowledge of traditional dry stone walling,You are requested not to attempt recovery beyond the wall in deference to the wishes of the adjacent landowner (a request fully endorsed by the council and the nimbler of our junior members). Just for a laugh we assume you have hit a straight ball of average length – you are now faced with a problem. Do you play up to the quarry edge or attempt to drive the quarry? Swallowing your pride you do the sensible thing. Standing in the quarry your vision (course – wise) is somewhat restricted, a well heathered slope, lots of sky and the knowing half smiles of the more prudent members of your party, who will stand atop the heathered slope and indicate your line to the green and tell you how far your ball has run through , the green is fairly large and if you dismiss from your mind the dent in the captains car, one hobbling cow and the “three” in the quarry you can be down in 5 or even 4 ( at least that’s what we are told).