2 Jumbleholes & 11 Cocker Lumb
Hole 2 & 11
Jumbleholes & Cocker Lumb
Jumbleholes / Cocker Lumb
Club selection here is vital, two prime dangers, wind conditions and head lifting. On a still day (last recorded October 1985) it’s a high iron but with wind conditions from ‘gale’ upwards we have seen most clubs played at this hole including a four wood by a senior member who effortlessly and accurately placed his ball in ‘Birdie land’ (and destroyed peoples confidence for weeks afterwards on that hole). The better ploy is to lose the First and then see which club the other members of your party take, you can’t ask them which club they are playing but you can rifle through their bag to see which club is missing – As most golfers know, the Almighty slipped up on the eye job – one just above the nose and one in the left ear would be ideal. However a desire to ‘see’ the ball over the quarry will increase your acquaintance with the said quarry no end, and please don’t trample elephantine – like in and out of the bunkers without making good the damage, because other balls seems to like sand.